How It Works

FAQ’s about creting a job on ezzyQuotes


How long will it take to get quotes?

Quotes in populated areas such as the major cities will typically arrive in your inbox minutes after submitting your job. In remote areas, quotes may take longer as there are fewer suppliers available. In some cases you will find suppliers call you a few days after you submitted your job to see if you are still looking for a supplier.


Does it cost me anything to use this service?

No ezzyQuotes is a completely FREE service for customers. The service is designed to give customers a choice and put credible suppliers within easy access when a customer needs their assistance.


What if I forget to mention something on the quote form?

Removalist will provide you with a quote based on the information you provide them. If the information you provide changes you will most likely find the price changes also. Try to enter your job details as accurately as possible.


Will I get phone calls from suppliers?

Some suppliers prefer to email there quotes through where others prefer to call you to confirm the details of your job and provide you with a quote directly on the phone. Some tricky jobs may require the supplier to come out and visit the property to be able to provide a formal quote.


Must I choose to book in with a supplier?

You are not obliged to book in with any of the suppliers who provide you with quotes. Please give the suppliers the courtesy of answering the phone or emails to let them know where you stand on your job request.


Do all suppliers have insurance?

We do vet our suppliers to ensure they are equipped to provide the service. However, low-cost movers may not have the same insurance or level of service that other removalists provide. Often you will find that paying more will get you superior service. It is best to discuss the level of insurance the supplier offers with the supplier.


Do you guarantee the work of suppliers on your website?

We don't personally guarantee any work provided by suppliers who offer you quotes. However, the business provider may be able to give you a guarantee on their standard of work. We do provide a rating service, and we would advise you to review the ratings before making your decision on which supplier you are going to choose.

Need Removals Quotes?

We can send you quotes from a variety of quality suppliers in your local area in minutes. The fastes easiest way to compare and save on your removals job